Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of the most bio-diverse islands in the world and one of the best countries in Asia to spot elusive animals such as elephants and leopards, making it a haven for wildlife lovers.

Sri Lanka is one of the most bio-diverse islands in the world and one of the best countries in Asia to spot elusive animals such as elephants and leopards, making it a haven for wildlife lovers. There are numerous reserves and national parks that provide some incredibly memorable safari experiences. The land of myth, legend, history and one of the richest cultures, Sri Lanka is one of the hottest travel destinations and lures adventurers of all kinds. Perhaps you’re someone who loves the solitude of nature and steady walks through trails. Moreover, the country has the inspiring spots, full with natural cultural and historical places that are perfect for a trip.

Maybe you love relaxing by the sea with the sun warming your face and a cool breeze caressing your skin. Or, maybe it’s nightlife you crave and a little game of chance at a casino – whatever your thrill is, with the best tourist places to visit in Sri Lanka, this island nation has it all. The tropical location of Sri Lanka ensures hot weather all year. In the lowlands, the average monthly temperature ranges from 22˚C(72˚F) to 33˚C (92˚F) while the higher altitudes found in the central highlands make for somewhat cooler temperatures (can range from 7˚C (44˚F) to 21.6˚C (71˚F)). The weather in Sri Lanka is not dominated by traditional seasons, instead, the only seasons in the country are due to monsoons. The south and west experience monsoons between May and September, while the north and east experience monsoons between October and April. Most parts of the country receive an average annual rainfall of more than 1,270mm (50 in).

Sri Lanka can be quite humid with coastal regions experiencing daytime levels above 70% all year, and rising to 90% during monsoon seasons. The highlands typically experience humidity levels between 70-79%. November to March is considered the principal tourist season as it is dry in the south and western parts of the country as well as in the central highlands, however, due to the tropical climate, tourists will find beautiful beaches at different points on the island throughout the year.
Ravana’s Lanka has a long history and over 2,000 years of written record. It’s been mentioned in the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata too. Over the years, Sri Lanka witnessed occupation by the Portuguese, Dutch and the British and this colonization is evident from the colonial architecture, Catholicism, surnames and vocabulary that you’ll notice on your visit here. The History of Sri Lanka has continued around more than 2,550 years. Sri Lanka has many different names, however, Buddhism was introduced from the third century. The kingdom of Sri Lanka includes Yapahuwa, Dambadeniyam, Kandy, Jaffna Kingdoms, and Gampola.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island country in the Indian Ocean and lies about 32 kilometers off the southeast coast of India. Its official name is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and was formerly called Ceylon.
Rated #1 in The New York Times, January 2010 article, Sri Lanka has recently become a holiday hotspot, renowned for nature, stunning scenery, and pristine beaches. The Colombo is the commercial capital of Sri Lanka and has a fascination of its own. Nearly every visitor to Sri Lanka begins or ends their stay here. More than anywhere else in the country it’s a city where the old and new co-exist. There are high-rise complexes & colonial mansions, supermarkets & street bazaars, flashy western fashions & traditional sarongs, speedy sports cars & one-man rickshaws. Most of the remnants found in Colombo today are the legacy of the British, Dutch & Portuguese. Horseracing was a regular activity on the seaside Galle Face Green.

Although small, Sri Lanka has 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites that must be visited as well as religious sites, The timeless ruins, oodles of elephants, famous tea of variety of flavors, tasty food, amusing train journeys, cheap prices, and welcoming peoples of Sri Lanka make the trips overwhelming numerous national parks, verdant tea estates and, of course, beaches. You can fine Galle a very beautiful place that you can find on the south coast. The west coasts consist the golden sand swathe that is spread very long. Take a scenic train ride past plantations and hills and try your hand at blackjack and poker at one of the many casinos. Tickle your taste buds with local favorites like rich curries, fragrant polo’s and the odd-smelling wood apple. Excited yet? You should be! With the best tourist places to visit in Sri Lanka, so much diversity and culture, there really is no place quite like Sri Lanka.

360 km²
117 m
1.369 million (2015)
Zoran Radojičić
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